Video One: Giving

  1. I suppose there has to be one person that is the main character, but in this video I think it shifts focus from one person to another. At the very beginning I would argue that the little boy is the main character with motivation being his mothers well being and the willingness to break the law to achieve her good health. This is only a small portion of the entire video and the rest of it seems directly focused on the man who helped the boy out in the beginning, with him continuing his giving nature and giving to a seems to be homeless possibly starving man.This shows motivation which is love, he sees the value in loving others and having them feel loved, as well as survival which he wants others to experience and if he can contribute in his own way to others he wants to. Immediately after giving the “homeless” man food he loses conciousness slipping and hitting his head, then the focus is shifted to his daughter who has grown up. She has to deal with the fear of death and loss with her father in poor health and once the bill comes around she has economic instability weighing her down pushing her to sell the restaurant  where shes lived and worked her whole life to pay for her fathers good health. Then its once again shifted to the boy who was once aided by the resteraunt owner who is now grown and happens to be the surgeon who worked on the man. Repaying the mans unconditional love with a grand gesture of paying off the medical bill.
  2. That was kind of alot so im just going to focus on one of the characters that I mentioned. The man who payed for the boys mothers things. His motivation being love was possibly rooted in some experience in his life where he was either given love by someone who he may not of known and he was paying it forward. Or it may have been that he didnt experience that and somewhere along the way he realised others deserved some little love that he had the power to grant.
  3. From this one simple action it would seem that he is a good man, with charity and love in his heart, this may not be the case but his gesture showed that atleast in the moment that was true. From the full video we can’t know much more about his whole life but we can assume many things about him as a person.
  4. His impact on that boys life may have been immensely more important that seems obvious. For all we know that action led the boy on the path to becoming a surgeon and if that boy hadnt become that surgeon then the daughter most likely would’ve been forced to sell her fathers restaraunt and possibly even more things like her home. This small gesture not only positively impacted the boy right then and for the future but also his daughters financial stability. I could also argue that maybe he would not of passed out and hit his head if he didnt pay for the boys mothers medicine.
  5. The woman who caught the boy stealing may have either resented or respected the mans payment for the stolen goods, and those who witnessed it may have thought the man was charitable and it became widely known and that would be supported by the “homeless” man begging for a meal later in the mans life. That also shows his unwavering virtues and the likelyhood that he would be always charitable and loving.